Thursday, March 5, 2009

London Itinerary Done....Finally

At the outset of this post I just want to say thank you so much to all of you who left suggestions on the London Calling Post, it was all tremendously helpful. Keep those suggestions coming. 

Here is what we have so far for London. I am really excited for our walk-abouts. This is a very English thing. I just read about them in Bill Bryson's Notes from a Small Island where he describes all these people walking about in high wool socks and hiking boots. I am not sure I will be sporting that fashion but I am excited to have many a walk-about in London and all over the UK. 

Day 1: May 7, 2009



Visit Westminster

Hyde Park and walk-about from Hyde Park back to hostel with a stop at Regents Park

Day 2: May 8, 2009

British library

British museum

Temple to Buckingham Palace walking tour.

   Catch concert St. martin in the fields

Day 3: May 9, 2009

Portebello Road Market

Walking tour London Eye to Design Museum:

London Tower and London Bridge.